Top 50 Boutique Hotels

How the list is created

Find out how we create the lists

How the list is created

The Top 50 Boutique Hotels awards are voted for by the hospitality and travel industry. It is a list of the best places to stay chosen by your peers, meaning these highly acclaimed venues are being recognised as being the best in the business by the most influential people.

As well as the 1 to 50 list of the best sites, we also have a selection of special awards that are judged by an expert panel.

Our voting academy

Our authoritative voting academy is made up of more than 200 industry experts from across the country. These voters are either hotel operators, editors and travel writers or top suppliers. Voters are either approached directly or can apply by contacting us on 

Voters represent regions across the UK to avoid any regional bias.

Each academy member has four votes that they cast in order: position 1 being their top choice of boutique hotel, descending to number four, which is their fourth favourite choice. One of their four votes must be from the region they represent. If you are a hotel operator, you are not allowed to vote for your own hotel or one that is associated with you.

How do you get your boutique hotel on the list?

There is no short cut. You have to run a great boutique hotel… all of the time! However, if you are doing so but still not getting the recognition you think you deserve, we have put some tips together to help.

  • Follow Top 50 Boutique Hotels on social media, engage with us, tag us in your content and use the #top50boutiquehotels hashtag on your posts, we’ll reshare it too, and judges and possible customers will then become more aware of your presence and may visit.
  • Email us directly. We hold some small events throughout the year and often visit venues too – let us know if we should come and see you.
  • Become a part of the voting academy. It is a great understanding of what to look for and implement in your own hotel. By the way, you can’t vote for yourself! Email Charli on  with a small paragraph on why you should be considered as a voter.

We update our voting academy on an annual basis and review our judging criteria regularly to ensure we can give a credible annual snapshot of the UK hotel sector. We recognise that rankings are not beyond criticism and endeavour to accurately represent the industry.